The Bangladesh leather sector is suffering export loss to the tune of around US$ 5-10 billion a year on account of environmental issues.
Media reports claimed this citing the traders and exporters associated with the sector, according to whom Environmental issues are holding back export of Bangladesh’s leather to USA and Europe and a potential earning of up to US $ 10 billion a year.
They, reportedly, further added by achieving the desired environmental standards, the sector could sell per square foot of leather at 50 to 60 per cent higher price in Europe and US than the current price of US $ 1 per square foot, at which they are selling raw (wet blue) leather to some specific countries.
Meanwhile, speaking to the media, Chairman of Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods and Footwear Exporters Association (BFLLFEA), Mohiuddin Ahmed, reportedly, claimed that the elite brands in Europe and US sell leather shoes for US $ 150 to US $ 1,000 per pair but desist from selling products produced through polluting the environment.
If environmental issues are solved, Bangladesh can earn US $ 5-10 billion annually from leather goods export, reportedly, said people involved with the sector, adding, in 2020, the global market for leather goods was worth US $ 394 billion.