Warehouse by Mudita, a luxury fashion fair, will host a pop-up event in Hyderabad featuring premium labels from across India. This shopping event will take place on 3rd August at Park Hyatt in Banjara Hills. The event will focus on women’s clothing and accessories, showcasing collections for the upcoming festive season. Attendees can expect significant discounts, with some items up to 70 per cent off.
Brands participating include Elisha Wadhwani, Varun Nidhika, Anshu Jain, Nupur Kanoi, Rohit Bal, Ivory By Dipika, Devasya, Kavita Bhartia, Dhruv Kapoor, Preeti Trawar, Preeti S. Kapoor, Rococo by Raghvi, Vikram Phadnis, Gulabo & Asal by Abu Sandeep, Sameer Gujral, Blue Bubble, Sole Affair by Seema Mehra, Sunita & Shagun Nagi, I am Design, Kalista, Kritika Dawar, and Luxury Cloud.
Warehouse by Mudita helps brands sell excess inventory by connecting them with bargain hunters. The event has previously been held in New Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata, and Warehouse by Mudita also has an online store.