A view exchange meeting was called on Monday morning at Fakruddin Textile in Sreepur to discuss urgent security issues and provide the foundation for community policing in the Ragendrapur, Bhaluka, and Sreepur areas.
The gathering was attended by about fifty senior representatives from different factories in the area. Notable guests were Shovon Islam, who was instrumental in the negotiations, and Asif Ashraf, the director of BGMEA. Lieutenant Colonel Mahfuz, speaking on behalf of the Army Task Force, emphasised the significance of military cooperation in maintaining regional stability.
During the meeting, the attendees focused on fostering confidence and unity among the factory officials and workers. One of the key achievements was the establishment of factory zonal-based Community Police units, aimed at enhancing security through community engagement and cooperation.
A wide range of security-related topics were also discussed to make sure that all possible dangers and concerns were taken care of. To create a safer environment for the residents of Ragendrapur, Bhaluka, and Sreepur, the plant officials, BGMEA members, and the Army Task Force have worked together in a concerted effort.
It is anticipated that the implementation of community policing will result in a more proactive approach to ensuring security in these industrial zones, which will be advantageous to the locals and the workers alike.