Shanaya Kapoor has joined Madame, one of India’s leading women’s fashion brands, as the Face of the Brand for the company’s fashion line. The firm also revealed the debut of its first campaign featuring Shanaya, titled ‘Fashion is Me,’ which offers a unique perspective on the significance of fashion in a person’s life.
Sumedha Jain, MarCom Head, Madame, expressed her enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, “In any collaboration, alignment around brand’s core values is essential. Shanaya’s distinct approach to fashion, and her firm beliefs around the role that fashion plays in her life, make her the perfect choice for Madame.” She further added, “We are thrilled to introduce our first campaign with her – ‘Fashion is Me’ that also aligns with our Spring-Summer 2024 collection launch.”
Commenting on her association with Madame, Shanaya Kapoor said, “Fashion is a very personal affair. It’s the mood-board for my self-expression. I am excited to be collaborating with Madame, and look forward to sharing my own fashion philosophy with millions of our collective fans and followers.”
Madame’s new campaign, “Fashion is Me,” which emphasises individual style and self-expression over fads in fashion, will be aggressively launched across a variety of platforms in the coming weeks.
Shanaya Kapoor’s Spring-Summer 2024 Collection will feature a variety of fashionable and adaptable pieces, such as stunning cropped tops, sophisticated tees, elegant pants, coordinated sets, and eye-catching workwear. This collection, which is geared at modern young women, has a colourful, summery colour scheme. This line will be offered in all Madame boutiques, on, and on other significant e-commerce sites.