Amazon India’s country head, Manish Tiwary, has resigned after an eight-year tenure and will depart from the e-commerce giant in October, the company announced on Tuesday.
His resignation comes as Amazon swiftly expands in India, where it aspires to invest US $ 26 billion by 2030. However, the company is also contending with a stringent regulatory environment that restricts it to operating only as a marketplace.
Tiwary has chosen to follow opportunities outside the company, according to Amazon, which did not provide further details. He will remain with Amazon until October to facilitate a smooth transition.
Amazon has not yet named a successor for the top position in India, though a source familiar with the matter mentioned that Amit Agarwal, senior VP for emerging markets, will stay directly involved with the India team. Amazon emphasized that “India is a major priority.”
The e-commerce giant is currently under antitrust investigation for allegedly favoring certain sellers on its Indian website, a claim it denies.
In 2021, it was reported that Amazon engaged in practices such as creating knockoff products and influencing search results to promote its own lines in India, which the company has also denied.