Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s clothing brand, Force IX, has recently inaugurated its first offline store in Bengaluru, marking its second retail outlet in India. The new store, situated in the Phoenix Market city mall, offers a wide range of menswear, womenswear, and accessories from the brand.
The announcement was made on Force IX’s Facebook page, where they expressed their enthusiasm for bringing their fashion line closer to the people of Bengaluru. The store itself embodies a modern design concept, inspired by fitness and the army, which reflects the brand’s core inspirations. Throughout the store, customers will find the iconic Force IX star logo and army-style banners, enhancing the overall thematic experience.
India Retailing reported that the inaugural store in organised retail was launched in partnership with Phoenix Mills Limited. It showcased Force IX’s summer collection, featuring a blend of essential pieces like logo T-shirts and jeans, along with military-inspired garments such as boiler suits.
This recent store opening follows the brand’s first-ever store launch in Mumbai back in April of this year. The flagship store in Mumbai covers an area of 1,800 square feet and was inaugurated with a military-themed carnival. Force IX has ambitious plans for expansion, aiming to establish nine exclusive brand outlets by the end of the year.
Looking ahead, they envision a total of over 200 stores in the near future, as they continue to make their mark in the fashion industry.