Gucci’s creative director, Sabato de Sarno, made his debut at the ongoing Milan Fashion Week, eventually revealing a captivating metaverse collection titled ‘Ancora’ (meaning ‘yet’ or ‘even now’). This collection is an immersive recreation of the event available across various platforms, encapsulating the essence of life’s joy, humanity, and inclusivity, with various purchasable items.
Gucci, a luxury fashion label under Kering, has innovatively transformed the real-world Milan Fashion Week into a virtual realm within gaming platforms such as Roblox, Zepeto in South Korea, and QQ in China, ensuring that this sense of inclusivity extends to the metaverse. In contrast to the physical Milan runway, which faced last-minute venue changes due to rain, the metaverse versions proceeded as planned, bringing this digital vision to life.
Gucci Ancora, which was previously known as Gucci Town on Roblox since its launch in May 2022, has undergone enhancements, offering a meta-version of the Milan show’s physical location in the Brera district. The 3D avatar world, Zepeto, live-streamed Gucci’s Cruise runway show and provided an avatar-based experience where visitors could virtually shop at a Gucci store. Similarly, QQ hosted a screening for its Gucci community to partake in the event.
In addition to these partnerships with gaming platforms, Gucci stepped into the Web3 space in 2021 by auctioning its first NFT through Christie’s, further embracing native NFT communities like 10KTF through its Gucci Vault platform. These strides highlight Gucci’s inclination towards the digital realm and its commitment to evolving with emerging technologies.