Artificial intelligence could be the next big trend in the fashion industry after new analysis found AI has the highest proportion of job vacancies requiring related skills.
In contrast to the retail/e-commerce sector, where just 0.09 per cent of the 91,313 positions require AI, the fashion business requires job seekers to have an AI-related ability for about 4.44 per cent of the 9,949 available positions.
The top five industries that are adopting AI the quickest were determined by digital PR firm Tank through an analysis of 18 important businesses and a ranking based on the percentage of job openings that require AI expertise. Fashion came in first, then electronics, food and beverage, warehousing and distribution, then automated.
“A fast-paced and competitive environment, where AI can help to improve efficiency, identify trends, and align supply with demand to reduce waste,” is how the research defined the fashion business.