Comfort is what every consumer finally wants whether it is while wearing a dress or a shoe. In today’s times, when people prefer buying everything online, it is difficult to consider the ‘comfort’ factor.
And when it comes to shoes, nothing is more relevant than comfort. It’s here that SGS, the world’s largest inspection, verification, testing and certification company, offers several parameters to define comfort in shoes.
SGS believes comfort does not just mean softness. It’s much beyond that. Its testing capabilities include water resistance and penetration, drying times, cushioning/shock absorption, compression/energy absorption, resilience, odour, insulation and sole skid resistance.
Who wouldn’t love wearing shoes that meet all these parameters!
Any shoe that doesn’t fit these parameters is often branded ‘uncomfortable’ and anything that is uncomfortable to wear causes blisters, bunions, heel pain and what not.
SGS understands this and that’s what has made them stand out over the years. Its range of testing services continues to help shoe manufacturers produce high-quality, compliant and comfortable shoes for their target markets.
Add to all these, a manufacturer also needs to consider protection and performance, so that they not only protect our feet, but also fits the job that a person does. And yet again SGS’ testing capabilities ensure the manufacturer meets these requirements.
With over 89,000 employees, SGS runs a network of over 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.
None could have defined shoe comfort better than SGS.