Zink London has launched a capsule collection named ‘Zink London X Naira Collection’ at the brand’s S/S ’23 Fashion Show at ITC Sonar Bangla. Anushka Niara Mitter, a 17-year-old Down Syndrome teen, was the showstopper at the Zink London summer fashion show as she walked the ramp with her father as models showcased her designs and the crowd gave her a standing ovation.
The brand used Niara’s art on its fabrics and its design team developed those fabrics into beautiful garments. The teenager designed the summer sketchbook collection for the show which mainly included blue and white colours.
Malini, the owner of Zink London, said, “Niara is very talented; that’s why we collaborated with her. This show was a major one and we are already getting good feedback. This has also given a special identity to her and we too are happy.”
As a part of the Societal Marketing approach and Corporate Social Responsibility, the brand is aiming for a long-term relationship with Niara with a singular motive to put forward a message of inclusive development, by all for all.
“We at Zink London believe that every kid is special and possesses a pool of immense talents, and more than anything, we want to help the next generation become successful entrepreneurs through the support of crowdfunding campaigns,” said a company’s spokesperson.