Bangladesh e-commerce entity eorange, which has been in news after a Dhaka court sent its owner Sonia Mehjabin, and her husband Masukur Rahman to jail in connection with a Taka 1,100 crore embezzlement case even as its Chief Operating Officer Amanullah has also been picked up by the police in connection with the same, has only around Taka 3 crore in its bank accounts.
Media reports maintained this while adding that the law enforcers have found two bank accounts of eorange that have only Taka 3,12,14,356 even as a bank statement of the City Bank showed a total of Taka 620,67,20,729 was deposited in the account of eorange until 20 July even if Taka 620,44,71,992 has already been withdrawn and, only Taka 22,48,737 is now remaining in the account.
Meanwhile, speaking to the media, the investigation officer of a case, Inspector Sheikh Liakat Ali of the Detective Branch (DB) — two separate cases have been filed against eorange, respectively, in Tejgaon and Gulshan police stations — reportedly maintained that details of eorange’s two bank accounts have been collected and investigation was underway pertaining to the matter.