In order to maintain regular industry output, the administration would prioritise securing a supply of gas, according to Adilur Rahman Khan, the Interim administration’s Advisor to the Ministry of Industries.
This was said by the advisor to reporters following a two-hour discussion at the city’s Secretariat with senior Ministry of Industries officials. Adilur added that efforts will be made to guarantee environmental compliance in the ship-breaking sector as well as to enhance the leather industry in Savar.
According to him, the Ministry of Industries’ numerous institutions are losing money, but corrective action will be taken to find the problems and turn these businesses around.
“Strictly combating corruption is the only option. We have made many sacrifices to assume this responsibility. “It is not in question to permit fresh corruption to arise,” he continued.
However, notably, RMG factories depend on the production of textile mills, which provide yarn, woven cloth, and dyed materials. RMG manufacturers report that textile mills cannot supply raw materials on time due to the gas crisis.