Puma India has ushered in a new era of sustainable shopping experiences for its customers during the festive season. The brand has deployed an Internet of Things (IoT) solution across its stores to maintain improved indoor air quality (IAQ). The brand partnered with EcoEnergy Insights, part of Carrier Global Corporation, which is a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT-enabled solutions and services to implement the solution across India’s stores.
Five Puma stores successfully completed a pilot phase and received Air Quality (AQ) certificates from NABL, a reputable Indian testing laboratory that specialises in testing and calibration, during the initial deployment stage, with the brand planning on extending indoor air quality (IAQ) certification to an additional 80 stores in the near future.
A central database is integrated with the store’s electro-mechanical equipment as part of an Internet of Things (IoT) solution, enabling real-time monitoring of energy consumption and indoor air quality (IAQ).
“Our continued investment in technology is a reflection of our commitment to be at the forefront of operating smart and sustainable Puma retail outlets in the country,” said Vishal Gupta, Executive Director of Retail at Puma India.
“We are proud to provide IoT technology to Puma to enhance the in-store experience while helping reduce the stores’ carbon footprint,” said HAPS Dhillon, General Manager, Sales, EcoEnergy Insights.