Dipok Ghosh of Eurofins Modern Testing Services has been elevated to the position of Managing Director. After serving as General Manager of Eurofins Modern Testing Services for nine years, he was promoted to this position. Dipok has been employed in various jobs by many MNCs in this testing services provider company.
His astute leadership, skills, and expertise has enabled Eurofins to smoothly oversee all testing service activities.
Karthik N.D., Regional Managing Director-South Asia, Eurofins, congratulated Dipok on his appointment as the country’s managing director during a recent visit to Dhaka.
Eurofins Consumer Product Testing Bangladesh provides high-standard quality assurance and control services such as testing, certification, inspection, audits, technical and regulatory services to manufacturers, brand owners, distributors, and retailers worldwide.
Everyone from Eurofins MTS Bangladesh congratulated Depak on his well-deserved promotion. Additionally, they believe Eurofins MTS Bangladesh’s operations will be more active and productive under Dipok Ghosh’s leadership.