Turbulent times leave in their wake an array of innovative ideas, and this inspiration was taken up by Emblaze, the urban clothing label by Masumi Mewawalla, to start the campaign called #nowitsmeokay, which actually aims to bring to light the accounts by people from different strata of society and the challenges they faced for accepting and being themselves.
The mission explores the real journeys and hardships faced by the people around us, right from body-shaming, domestic abuse, discovering their sexuality to child abuse, and through the campaign, the stories are put on the radar to make the audience reflect upon several social evils and their ignorant approach towards the same, to sought to break stereotypes and overcome them.
Masumi Mewawalla recognises the aim of this #nowitsmeokay campaign as making consumers aware about the importance of leaving the past behind and embracing one’s true self.
It solely focuses on ending the long and infuriating battles causing more pressure and stress to ‘fit in’ the societal norms.
Expressing her thoughts about the same, the founder of Emblaze opines, “Eventually things will fall into place. Despite all the efforts we put in trying to run away from it or run towards it, it’s time to get up and say #nowitsmeokay by accepting it and not running away from it.”
Emblaze has provided them a platform through this initiative that all of us are about to witness. The issue of diversity, inclusivity and acceptance eventually won many hearts along with the war within themselves.