A ten-member group headed by Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya has been permitted by Chief Adviser Prof. Muhammad Yunus to draft a white paper regarding the status of the Bangladeshi economy.
Although the panel members’ precise names have not yet been made public, a source within the Secretariat verified the news.
Under the direction of Bhattacharya, convener of the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs and distinguished fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue, the panel will have ninety days to draft the white paper.
This document will outline strategic recommendations aimed at stabilising the economy, achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and addressing the challenges faced by Bangladesh as it transitions from the least developed country (LDC) status.
The white paper will focus on several key areas including
Employment: Investigating employment conditions both domestically and abroad, including formal and informal wage structures and youth employment issues. The committee will operate without compensation and will be based at the Planning Commission, receiving secretarial support from the General Economic Division.
Public Finance Management: Examining domestic resource collection, public expenditure including investments and subsidies, and budget deficit financing.
Inflation and Food Management: Assessing production, public procurement, and food distribution mechanisms.
External Balance: Evaluating factors such as export and import dynamics, remittance flows, foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserves, and external debt.
Energy and Power: Analysing demand, supply, pricing, costs, and procurement agreements in the energy sector.
Private Sector: Reviewing access to credit, electricity, connectivity, and logistics.