The Wayanad district in Kerala has seen devastation due to increased rainfall and landslides which have reportedly claimed over 300 lives and have caused widespread destruction. Rescue efforts are in progress with the Indian Army deployed to the affected area with the Indian Navy and Air Force also assisting.
In view of the devastation caused by incessant rains and landslides in the Wayanad district of Kerala, people have been greatly affected. To provide relief to the affected people and as per the request of the Tirupur district collector T. Christuraj IAS, General Secretary of Tirupur Exporters’ Association (TEA), N. Thirukkumaran and Joint Secretary Kumar Duraiswamy presented a demand draft of Rs. 3,00,000/- on behalf of TEA through TEA Charitable Trusts to the collector of Tirupur district.
Tirupur Exporters Association was established in the year 1990. This is an Association exclusively for exporters of cotton knitwear who have production facilities in Tirupur. Today, TEA has a membership of 1076 Life members and 155 Associate Members. The members of the Association have resolved to develop their organization focusing on the multilateral growth of the knitwear industry and exports development of infrastructural needs for Tirupur.