Even as major global apparel retailers have recently agreed on a two-year agreement with Bangladesh factory owners and garment workers that would extend the already existing agreement in this regard — named the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, the new agreement, reportedly, comes into effect from 1 September even as the original agreement (known as the Bangladesh Accord) was due to expire on 31 August — as per which retailers are liable to legal action unless their factories meet the labour safety standards, the BKMEA or Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association has underlined the new worker safety accord is not necessary.
Media reports maintained quoting BKMEA Vice-President Mohammad Hatem in this direction, who, reportedly, stated, “…We think no initiative in the name of Accord is necessary now,” even as he, reportedly, went on to add, “They’ve done many things for us; their initiative has sufficiently ensured safety at factories in Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s quite capable of exporting garments now…”
The BKMEA Vice President, reportedly, further added the Accord ended (in Bangladesh) following a court order and it cannot return with another name or initiative.