In Ranchi (Jharkhand), police have saved 17 women (including one minor) who were reportedly being trafficked after being promised jobs of sewing operators in a garment factory of Tamil Nadu.
Naushad Alam Ansari, SP, Ranchi (Rural) told media that police is investigating the matter.
It is pertinent to mention here that human trafficking has been a big issue in Jharkhand, and it was only 2 months back that the State Government had formed an anti-human trafficking unit (AHTU).
Last month, around 30 women of Jharkhand (including 6 minors) were rescued from Surat after they were assured of being provided stitching training, but were then forced to work in a fish packaging unit under inhuman conditions.
The issue came to the fore when villagers saw 17 women together at Ratu in Ranchi district and doubted their movement. They informed the local police who then arrested a man who was taking these women to Tamil Nadu without documentation. Police have sent these women to Seva Sansthan in Bariatu.
This matter has been brought to the notice of Child Welfare Committee (CWC) and police is also looking for the apparel manufacturing company where these women were supposed to get the job. The police may file a case against this company also.