Union Textiles Minister of India Santosh Kumar Gangwar has inaugurated the Apparel and Garment Making unit in Bodhjungnagar Industrial Growth Centre, in Agartala. The Minister said that the project will help develop entrepreneurship through various capacity building measures and also train the people to work efficiently on high-end garment machines. It will also help to develop an ecosystem which will trigger further investments and employment in the state.
Gangwar has further expressed confidence that the growth of garment industry in Tripura will provide a boost to traditional sectors like handlooms, handicrafts and silk. He said that a convergence among different schemes is important to achieve the holistic development of the textile sector in NER. He also thanked the Chief Minister of Tripura and all agencies, such as NBCC, for completing the work in such a short span of time.
Also Read – Indian Textiles Minister initiates 3 T&C projects in Nagaland
The inaugural programme was attended by Chief Minister of Tripura Manik Sarkar; State Industries and Commerce Minister Tapan Chakraborty; Union Textiles Secretary Rashmi Verma, and Chief Secretary of Tripura Y P Singh. On the occasion, the Textiles Minister also laid the foundation stone for the Hostel for Trainees in Bamboo and Cane Development Institute in Lichubagan, Agartala.