Indian lingerie e-retailer Zivame has launched its Studio in Chandigarh. The retailer has already launched its studios in seven cities: Bangalore, Pune, Delhi, Jaipur, Cochin, Chennai and Hyderabad.
This studio has been set up with an aim to help women explore new collections, get fitted in a one-on-one session with fit advisors, create an exciting wardrobe and enjoy exclusive lingerie parties, which is a truly unique concept in India.
Also Read – Lingerie retailer Zivame to open more stores
Speaking on this occasion, Brand Marketing Director, Zivame, Sirisha Tadepalli said, “Consumers are at the core of everything we do. We know that about 80 per cent of the women wear the wrong size. The unique fit consultation not just helps women find the right fit, but also helps them build their lingerie wardrobe. In cities where we’ve opened our studios, we’ve seen healthier return rates, improved sale of innovative categories and better repeat rates. All of this clearly indicate that Indian women are ready to experiment. It is brands like ours who need to take the first step forward.”