The Rolling Stones is one such big name that has recently been caught up in a scandal surrounding fast-fashion retailer Shein.
The rock legends had launched a collection in collaboration with Shein, but after being made aware of allegations of labour abuse in the firm’s supply chain, they are now keen to terminate their licensing deal with the Chinese business.
A Channel 4 documentary called Untold: Inside the Shein Machine, earlier this year claimed that garment makers in factories supplying the brand were working extremely long hours for a pittance.
Shein has denied all allegations of wrongdoing, but The Rolling Stones are said to be concerned about being associated with the company and its questionable practices. It is not yet clear what will happen to the collection that has already been released, but it seems likely that The Rolling Stones will want their name removed from it as soon as possible.
A spokesperson for The Rolling Stones said that they do not want to be associated with Shein and have requested that the line be terminated. Bravado International Group Merchandising Services, which negotiated the deal, has also told Shein that it is terminating the licensing deal immediately.