Mattel has launched a special collection to mark the fashion doll’s 65th anniversary. The ‘Barbie Through The Decades collection features a collaboration with five female-led Canadian brands – Hilary MacMillan, Ai, Paris Jewellers Canada, Cheekbone Beauty, and Sol Kyst.
This collection pays tribute to Barbie’s six-decade history with eight unique looks representing different eras. The participating brands have created over 100 products, including ready-to-wear outfits, accessories, jewellery, and makeup. Each look reflects the style of a specific decade, from the 1959 original Barbie to the 1990s Totally Hair Barbie.
Hilary MacMillan, founder of her eponymous brand, praised the collaboration, emphasising the strength of women supporting each other. Chau Liu from Paris Jewellers Canada expressed pride in joining this collaboration and capturing the magic of Barbie’s fashion through the years.
The ‘Barbie Through The Decades’ collection is available on the websites of the participating brands, offering a seamless shopping experience through integrated web links.