In a significant development, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated a Government factory in Itpal, located in the Bijapur district. The factory, established with an investment exceeding Rs. 6.90 crore, includes a garment manufacturing unit.
During his visit, Chief Minister Baghel personally inspected the factory and engaged in discussions with the women workers involved in the project. The Bijapur district, primarily reliant on agriculture and forest-based livelihoods, has witnessed significant rural migration due to the lack of industrial opportunities in the area. In response to this, the district administration took the initiative to establish a garment factory as a sustainable livelihood model and a means of empowering women.
The project commenced with the counseling and training of 800 women to work in the garment factory, with 200 beneficiaries receiving specialised training. In June, the management of the factory entered into a five-year agreement with Dixcy Company, launching the production of vests at the District Project Livelihood College. This initiative engaged a workforce of 70 women in the manufacturing process.
Moreover, the Chief Minister also marked the launch of the first batch of products manufactured in the factory, signaling the readiness of these items for the market. Authorities are reportedly in negotiations with prominent garment brands in the country, such as Myntra, Max, and Dixcy, to create a marketing platform for the products produced in this factory, promising further economic opportunities for the region.